【イベント】7/1 (月) 「ビジネスと人権:国連報告書が示す日本の課題と提言」<アーカイブ公開中>




(English Follows)

2024年5月28日、国連ビジネスと人権作業部会(The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights)は、2023年7月24日~8月4日に実施した訪日調査の結果を踏まえた最終報告書を、国連人権理事会のウェブサイトで公表しました。


最終報告書は、6月下旬にスイス・ジュネーヴで国連人権理事会に対して報告されます。本イベントでは、本報告書の発表に際して、国連ビジネスと人権作業部会のPichamon Yeophantong氏を日本にお招きし、最終報告書を踏まえた基調講演を行なっていただき、日本におけるビジネスと人権の日本政府および企業の取り組みについて議論を深めていきます。



【日時】2024年7月1日(月)17:30 ~ 19:30





【情報保障】日本手話 ※予定




1. 開会挨拶

2. 最終報告書を踏まえた基調講演
解説者:Pichamon Yeophantong氏(国連ビジネスと人権作業部会)

3. 対談・質疑応答
Pichamon Yeophantong氏(国連ビジネスと人権作業部会)他

4. 閉会挨拶



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ヒューマンライツ・ナウ事務局 info@hrn.or.jp

On May 28, 2024, the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights published its final report on the United Nations Human Rights Council website, based on the country visit to Japan conducted from July 24 to August 4, 2023. The report provides crucial guidance for strengthening understanding of and responses to human rights challenges in Japan. It offers a detailed analysis of the current status and challenges of Japanese government and corporate initiatives on business and human rights, along with specific recommendations for both the government and corporations.

In response to the release of this report, Human Rights Now has issued a statement, which can be found in the attached file or at this link: Human Rights Now Statement.

The final report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, in late June. Human Rights Now has invited Dr. Pichamon Yeophantong of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights to Japan to discuss this report.


〈Event Overview〉

Organizer: Human Rights Now

Date and Time: Monday, July 1, 17:30-19:30 JST

Location: Senshu University & Zoom
Senshu University ▶︎Room 731, 3rd floor, Bldg. 7 (Graduate School Building), Kanda Campus
ZOOM ▶︎The Zoom link will be sent to you by the day of the event.

Registration link(Peatix): https://un-bhr-report-0701.peatix.com/

Participation fee: free

Language and Accessibility: *Planned

Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation/Japanese Sign Language


1. Opening remarks
Speaker: Representative of Human Rights Now

2. Keynote speech based on the final report
Speaker: Pichamon Yeophantong, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
Contents: Main contents of the report, current status of Japanese government and corporate initiatives on business and human rights in Japan, and recommendations

3. Dialogue and Q&A
Representatives of Human Rights Now
Pichamon Yeophantong (UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights) and others

4. Closing remarks



  • Since the support ticket is a participation fee, we will not be able to issue a certificate of receipt for the donation.
  • Speakers, presentation formats, and contents are subject to change without notice.
  • Questions are welcomed at any time in the “Q&A” at the bottom of the screen. Please understand that we may not be able to answer all questions.
  • In the event of connection issues or other troubles, please notify us in the “Chat” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Any act of recording, filming, taking photos, or webcasting this event without prior permission is prohibited. 
  • If there is a risk of disrupting the progress of the event or if the organizer determines that there is a possibility of causing harm or defamation to the speakers or organizers of this event, there is a possibility of being asked to leave during the event. Please be aware of this in advance.

Contact: info@hrn.or.jp