【プレスリリース】2021年度外国人に対する 差別的なビジネス慣行についての調査




  認定NPO 法人ヒューマンライツ・ナウは、外国人に対する差別的なビジネス慣行を把握するために、反差別国際運動IMADR)と共同で調査を行うことに致しました。


 そこで、NGO として人種差別の実態を把握するための調査を行う運びとなりました。本調査は、人種差別の実態の中でも、とりわけ「外国人に対する差別的なビジネス慣行」に焦点をあて、ビジネス(具体的には「入店・住居・職場・学校・医療・銀行・融資・保険」の8つの場面)における人種差別の有無・程度・態様を、特に当事者の認識から明らかにすることを目指しています。

  本調査の結果は人種差別の撤廃にむけた主催者の取組みに活用致します。結果を、分析・検証し、報告書として公表します。また、政府政策に反映されることを目指します。さらに、今後の国連人権条約機関に提出する NGO レポートの資料にします。
















2021 survey on discriminatory treatment against foreigners by business entities in Japan

October 2021

This survey aims to identify discriminatory treatment against foreigners by business entities, and it is jointly conducted by the International Movement Against Discrimination (IMADR) and Human Rights Now.

In 2017, the Ministry of Justice published the Analytical Report of the Foreign Residents Survey, yet no further surveys have been conducted, and it is uncertain whether another one will be carried out or not in the future.

Following this situation, we, as an NGO, decided to survey the actual situation of racial discrimination. This research mainly focuses on “discriminatory business practices against foreigners” among the forms of racial discrimination. It targets identifying the existence, extent and conditions of racial discrimination in eight situations: shops, residences, workplaces, schools, medical care, banking, lending and insurance.

The results of this survey will be utilised in the organisers’ other actions which aim to eliminate racial discrimination. We will analyse, verify and publish the results in a report, with the aim for it to be reflected in further government policies. Furthermore, this research will contribute to NGO reports to UN human rights treaty bodies.

While this survey intends to show “obvious discrimination,” this questionnaire also reveals hidden and ignored situations of racial discrimination. Responses such as “I was asked to show my residence card for no reason” or “I was asked to submit more documents than Japanese without any particular reason” appear to be cases of “micro” discrimination in themselves; yet the accumulation of such discrimination can be seen as highly damaging.


★The Survey can be accessed here:  Survey on discriminatory treatment against foreigners by business entities in Japan


【Dates】October 20th ~ November 20th, 2021

【Method】Paper or Online form

【Survey Subject】Non-Japanese nationals living in Japan

【Language】Japanese or English

【Research Entity】The International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism(IMADR)/ Human Rights Now

【Research Collaboration】Takahiro Akedo (Rikkyo University)



〈Main Contact〉The International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism(IMADR)/ Human Rights Now