
HRNは、韓国及び国際NGOとともに、サモア近郊の太平洋で2019年12月に発生した、大連海洋漁業会社が所有する漁船(Long Xing629号)上における、中国人乗組員が、インドネシア人乗組員3人の遺体を海洋に不法投棄した事件について、中西部太平洋まぐろ類員会(WCPFC)に対して同船をIUU(違法・無報告・無規制)リストに含めるよう求める要請書に賛同し、これを執行しました。

HRN, along with South Korean and international NGOs, reported that in December 2019 the fishing vessel Longxing 629, owned by Dalian Ocean Fishing Company, dumped the bodies of three Indonesian crew members into the Pacific Ocean near Samoa. We agree with the request to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to have the vessel added to the IUU list (for illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing). Human rights abuses on fishing vessels have long been criticized, but in Japan there have been few reports and no legal system to ensure transparency in the fishing industry. As one of the world’s leading importers of seafood products, urgent action is required by the Japanese government and companies in the fishing industry. HRN will continue to work for the realization of sustainable seafood and fishing industry.