【お申込受付中!】5月13日~8月5日・夏の英会話《経済的・社会的権利(Economic & Social Rights)》







オンラインでの開催ですので、どの地域からでもご参加いただけます♪ 是非、皆様のご参加お待ちしております!





場所:オンライン上でのビデオ会議(Google Meet)


・1講座:¥3,000(学生: ¥2,500)
・4講座:¥10,000(学生: ¥8,000)※2,000円お得!
・8講座: ¥18,000(学生:¥14,000)※6,000円お得!








The topic for the summer eikaiwa is economic and social rights. These are rights which guarantee a decent standard of living for people, such as health care, a job that is not exploitative, a good education, and a safe place to live that cannot be taken away. They are also very closely related to development, so we will also have sessions on how development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relate to human rights.
In this term, we will talk about how economic and social rights can be one of the best ways to protect the most vulnerable people in our world, but also how they are some of the most politicized and difficult human rights to protect of all, and what we can do to help make sure these rights are fully implemented. I hope you can join to learn about and discuss these vital human rights!



・5月13日/May 13: 経済的・社会的権利入門① / Introduction to Economic & Social Rights Part 1
・5月20日/May 20: 経済的・社会的権利入門② / Introduction to Economic & Social Rights Part 2
・5月27日/May 27: SDGと人権① / SDGs and Human Rights Part 1
・6月3日/June 3: SDGと人権② / SDGs and Human Rights Part 2
・6月10日/June 10: 健康への権利① / Right to Health Part 1
・6月17日/June 17: 健康への権利② / Right to Health Part 2
・6月24日/June 24: ビジネスと人権① / Business & Human Rights Part 1
・7月1日/July 1: ビジネスと人権② / Business & Human Rights Part 2
・7月8日/July 8: 子供の権利・教育を受ける権利① / Children’s Rights & Right to Education Part 1
・7月15日/July 15: 子供の権利・教育を受ける権利② / Children’s Rights & Right to Education Part 2
(7月22日/July 22: 休日・セッションなし / Holiday, No Session)
・7月29日/July 29: 土地権・居住の権利① / Land Rights & Right to Housing Part 1
・8月5日/Aug. 5: 土地権・居住の権利② / Land Rights & Right to Housing Part 2


【Language requirement】
・TOEICスコア 600~800程度
* This TOEIC score is only a rough estimate. Please feel free to contact us if you have any doubts regarding your English proficiency.
* All the lessons will be conducted in English. You might have a dictionary on hand with you for every lesson.




