


日本語訳はこちら 20160815 トルコにおけるクーデタ未遂事件後の人権状況に対する声明 【PDF】

英語原文はこちら 1608015 Statement on Human Rights in Turkey Following the Coup attempt 【PDF】







2016年7月15日に起きたトルコのクーデター未遂事件は、1万人を超える市民の生活に影響を及ぼしている。2016年7月20日にトルコのエルドアン大統領によって宣言された「緊急事態」の名の下に、「クーデター首謀者」や「反政府者」などの疑いをかけられた人々が逮捕、拷問、レイプ、あるいは殺害されている[1]。 メディアの報道によると、事件後間もなくトルコ政府は、役人、公務員、軍関係者をターゲットにした一大粛清を行い、拘束された人の数は1万人以上にのぼる。公式・非公式の拘置所に拘束された人々は、長時間苦痛を与える姿勢を強いられたり、食べ物や水、医療、家族や弁護士への連絡などを拒否されたりしているほか、暴力、性的嫌がらせ、拷問などの対象になっている[2]




クーデター未遂事件翌日の2016年7月16日、トルコの裁判官・検察官最高評議会は最高裁判官を含めた2745人の裁判官の職権を一時停止し、拘束する指令を出した[3]。そのうち541人の裁判官が行政司法、2204人が犯罪司法に携わっている。これはトルコ国内における全裁判官の約36%にも及ぶ人数である。さらには、2人の憲法裁判官を含む約755人の裁判官や検察官らが、クーデター未遂に関連したことを裏付ける証拠もないまま拘束されている[4]。 これらの弾圧に加えて、トルコ政府は全体主義政権によく見られるような法律を次々と制定している。2016年7月20日、エルドアン大統領は最低3か月間の緊急事態を宣言した。その結果、首相及び政府は議会を通さずに決定・支配できる権限を法的に得ることになった[5]。その翌日、トルコ政府代表者は、緊急事態中は欧州人権条約(ECHR)の基準に従うことを一時的に停止する旨を発表した。さらにエルドアン大統領は、有罪ならば拘束者の数は増え続け、必要ならば死刑制度の復活も考慮していると述べた[6]。 7月23日、政府は緊急事態下で出された第一法令のもとに、告発前の拘束期間を4日から30日に延長することを決定した[7]。 それにより、政府はクーデター関連容疑者を告発なしで最長30日間拘束できるようになり、弁護士との会話なども政府が全て盗聴するという事態となっている。[8]



トルコにおける人権は国際法条約のもとに保護されており、国際法は国の法律より優先されなければならないことが1982年憲法第90条で定められている[9]。 さらにトルコ憲法第15条は、緊急事態下でも政府は「欧州人権条約(ECHR)」加盟国としての義務を放棄することができない、必要な場合でも最低限に限られた幾つかの人権基準に従うことを一時停止することしかできない、と定めている[10]。 さらに、トルコは2003年に「市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights、ICCPR)を、2006年にはICCPRの「選択的議定書」(Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR)を批准しており、そのどちらもが死刑を禁じている[11]。  ICCPR第4条は、条約または選択的議定書の内容に従うことを全面的に放棄することを禁じており、緊急事態下でも最低限必要な幾つかの人権基準に従うことを一時的に停止することしかできないとしている。例え特定の人権の一時停止が許されているとしても、生存権、拷問禁止、差別禁止、遡及的犯罪の禁止を一時停止することは、緊急事態下でさえECHR とICCPR共に禁じており、宗教の自由の一時停止はICCPRによって禁じられている[12]。その上、トルコ政府の拘束された人々に対する冷酷で非人道的な扱いと、司法・教育・メディア分野の専門職者に対する職権一時停止処分や解任処分は、「ヨーロッパ人権条約(European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms)」や「欧州拷問等防止委員会( European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)」などトルコが署名したその他の条約の人権保護義務にも違反している。[13]





  • 法の支配に従い、国際人権条約加盟国としての義務を尊重して、「逸脱不可能な人権」である生存権、拷問の禁止、差別の禁止、遡及的犯罪の禁止、宗教の自由を含む市民の人権を保障すること。
  • 拘束・職権一時停止処分中の弁護士・裁判官・検察官が職務遂行するための全権利を回復し、法的助力や司法を必要としている人々に奉仕できるようにすること。
  • 拘束されている人々に対する暴力・拷問・性的嫌がらせや、食料・水・医療・家族や弁護士の訪問の剥奪など、あらゆる人権侵害を止め、すでに人権侵害を受けた拘束者に対して効果的な救済を行うこと。



[1] Turkey suspends European Convention on Human Rights in wake of attempted coup. Independent. 21 Jul. 2016. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-coup-attempt-human-rights-president-erdogan-purge-turkish-military-a7148166.html

[2] Turkey: Independent monitors must be allowed to access detainees amid torture allegations. Amnesty International. 24 Jul. 2016. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/07/turkey-independent-monitors-must-be-allowed-to-access-detainees-amid-torture-allegations/ (referencing witness statements made directly to AI).

[3] UN human rights chief urges Turkey to uphold rule of law in response to attempted coup. UN News Centre. 19 Jul. 2016. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=54492#.V6J0qeRTHv9

[4] Human Rights Monitoring Group Update-July21, 2016. Gazette. The Law Society of Upper Canada. 21 Jul. 2016. http://www.lawsocietygazette.ca/news/human-rights-monitoring-group-update-july-21-2016/

[5] Turkey crackdown by the numbers: Statistics on brutal backlash after failed coup. Amnesty International. 26 Jul. 2016. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/07/turkey-crackdown-by-the-numbers-statistics-on-brutal-backlash-after-failed-coup/

[6] Turkey coup attempt: Erdogan signals death penalty return. BBC News. 19 Jul. 2016. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36832071

[7] Amnesty International, supra, n. 2.

[8] Turkey detainees tortured, raped after failed coup, rights group says. CNN World. 27 Jul. 2016. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/26/europe/turkey-coup-attempt-aftermath/

[9] Constitution of the Republic of Turkey. Retrieved. 3 Aug. 2016.  https://global.tbmm.gov.tr/docs/constitution_en.pdf

[10] Amnesty International, supra, n. 5.

[11] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). United Nations Human Rights. Retrieved. 3 Aug. 2016. http://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspx; Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, 15 Dec. 1989; http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/2ndOPCCPR.aspx, Art. 1.

[12] The non-derogable clauses are provided in ECHR Art 15 and ICCPR Art 4. Right to life (ECHR: Art 2, ICCPR Art 6) torture (ECHR Art 3, ICCPR Art 7), freedom of religion (ICCPR 18), No ex post facto crimes (ECHR Art 7, ICCPR Art 15), non-discrimination (ICCPR Art 4, ECHR Art 14).

[13] Ratification of Indernational Human Rights Treaties-Turkey. Human Rights Library. University of Minnesota. Retrieved. 3 Aug. 2016. http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/research/ratification-turkey.html; European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. European Court of Human Rights. Council of Europe. Retrieved. 3 Aug. 2016. http://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Convention_ENG.pdf; European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment-Text of the Convention and Explanatory Report. Council of Europe. Retrieved. 3 Aug. 2016. http://www.cpt.coe.int/en/documents/eng-convention.pdf.



Ms. Kazuko Ito

Secretary General

Human Rights Now

7F Creative One Akihabara Bldg. 5-3-4 Ueno

Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0005


Dear Ms. Ito,


Having read with regret the statement of “Human Rights Now” (HRN) reflecting many unfounded allegations regarding the measures taken by the Turkish Government following the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey, I feel myself obliged to address the incorrect information in your statement.


First and foremost, I would like to emphasise that the State of Emergency which was declared by the Council of Ministers of Turkey as of 21 July 2016 for a period of 90 days is a measure permitted by the Turkish Constitution and regulated by relevant national legislation. It was declared in order to take necessary steps in the most prompt and effective manner in the fight against the Gulenist network which is behind the July 15 coup attempt. It is a practice permissible under international human rights law, including the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Turkey is not the only country who resorted to declare State of Emergency in such circumstances. In fact, many other democratic countries did the same when facing similar or even lesser degree security threats. Moreover, contrary to your allegations, the State of Emergency was not declared by the Turkish President himself. In fact, the Council of Ministers took this decision in its meeting under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in view of the recommendation dated 20 July 2016, no. 498 of the National Security Council of Turkey. The decision was then approved by the Turkish Parliament on 21 July 2016.


Secondly, you mention in the HRN statement that the compliance with the ECHR would be suspended by Turkey. This claim also does not correspond to the facts. Turkey has resorted to the right of derogation as prescribed by the ECHR. Article 15 of the Convention allows the Contracting Parties to take measures derogating from their obligations under the Convention, in extraordinary circumstances such as a state of emergency. Many members of the Council of Europe, most recently France, have also made use of this flexibility allowed by the ECHR. The measures that Turkey may resort to under the State of Emergency, will conform to the principles of necessity and proportionality laid down in the ECHR. Furthermore, while taking these measures under Article 15 of the ECHR, Turkey continue to be subject to the supervision of the European Court of Human Rights.


In your statement, you refer to an article published in the Independent on 21 July 2016 by asserting that “Those who were accused of being “coup plotters” or “rebels” have been detained, arrested, tortured, raped or killed in the name of “a state of emergency” declared by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on July 20, 2016”. If you carefully examine the article you refer to, you will notice that the issue of the people whom you claim to be “killed” has nothing to do with the rule of State of Emergency. These people were in fact brutally killed by the coup plotters whose aim was to overthrow the democratically elected government, the President and the constitutional order of Turkey. I think there is a sheer misunderstanding of the article you read.


Moreover, the references you have made to the Amnesty International’s unsubstantial and unfounded allegations that the suspects who were detained after the coup attempt were tortured and ill-treated do not reflect the truth. The rule of law is main principle of Turkey, and even under the rule of State of Emergency, arrest and custody procedures are performed in accordance with the national and international human rights law.


I also would like to clarify that the suspended lawyers, judges and public prosecutors mentioned in the HRN statement are considered to be members of, or have relation, connection or contact with the Gulenist network which poses a grave threat to survival and security of law will be strictly observed, as always.


In this respect, lawsuits may be filed with the competent courts against all kinds of acts and measures taken during the State of Emergency. Legal remedies are available, including the right of individual application to the Constitutional Court. I would also like to reiterate that the supervision of the European Court of Human Rights still continues.


I attach herewith my article on the failed coup attempt and the role of the Gulenist network for your information.


Yours sincerely,


A. Bülent MERİÇ
