【報告書公開セミナー】刺身マグロはどこから来たのか? 韓国漁船から日本市場までの不透明なマグロサプライチェーンに潜む人権リスク

*English below*

ヒューマンライツ・ナウは、韓国を拠点とするNGOのAPIL(Advocates for Public Interest Law)と共に、水産業サプライチェーンに潜む強制労働と人身売買などの人権侵害のリスクについてのハイブリッドセミナーを開催いたします。12月20日共同報告書「刺身マグロはどこから来たのか?韓国漁船から日本市場までの不透明なマグロサプライチェーンに潜む人権リスク」を公開します。このセミナーでは、私たちにも身近な水産品、特に刺身マグロが、どのような過程を経て食卓に並んでいるのかを振り返ります。そして、その過程における、特に遠洋漁船における強制労働など深刻な人権侵害の実態に迫ります。この問題に対して私たちはどのように取り組んだらよいのか、主にビジネスと人権の観点から、皆さんと一緒に考える機会にしたいと思っています。ぜひご参加ください!


日時:12/21(木) 19:00~20:30




会場:日比谷図書文化館 ※会場参加は定員数に限りがありますのでご注意ください。

◆主催:認定NPO法人ヒューマンライツ・ナウ/ APIL(Advocates for Public Interest Law)



申込サイト▷ https://231221tunareport.peatix.com/


会場参加 お申込み頂いたメールアドレスに前日までに会場詳細をお知らせいたします。
オンライン参加 お申込み頂いたメールアドレスに前日までに参加用URLをお送りします。

Peatixでのお申し込みと併せて、①所属先 ②お名前 ③掲載予定媒体を件名【23.12 マグロ漁船レポート取材依頼】にて事前に(info@hrn.or.jp)あてにご連絡ください。


Peatix参加者ガイド : https://help-attendee.peatix.com/ja-JP/support/solutions/articles/44001822284







HRN, together with APIL, is organizing a hybrid seminar on the risk of forced labor and human trafficking in the seafood supply chain. On December 20, HRN and APIL is publishing a report on “Human rights risks hidden in the opaque tuna supply chain from Korean fishing vessels to the Japanese market.” The aim of the event is to introduce human rights risks in the fishing industry with a focus on South Korea and its connection to the Japanese market.


◆Date and time: December 21st December 19:00-20:30

◆Languages: Japanese, English (simultaneous interpretation available)

◆Capacity: 20 for on-site participation, 100 for online participation

◆How to participate: You can choose to participate at the venue or online.

Venue: Hibiya Library and Museum *Please note that the number of participants at the venue is limited.

◆Organized by: Human Rights Now/ APIL(Advocates for Public Interest Law)


Register from here ▷https://231221tunareport.peatix.com/

◆About the application ticket:
There are on-site and online tickets. Please check the ticket information carefully when registering.

◆Participation Method:

On-site participation: Details of the venue will be sent to your e-mail address by the day before the event.
Online Participation: URL will be sent to your e-mail address by the day before the event.

◆For media
Please send us 1) your name, 2) affiliation, and 3) the media outlet you wish to cover the event with the subject “23.12 Tuna Report” to info@hrn.or.jp in advance.

◆Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will be accepted in accordance with Peatix regulations. Refund policy depends on the payment method.

Peatix Participant Guide : https://help-attendee.peatix.com/ja-JP/support/solutions/articles/44001822284

*Please note

If the organizer deems that there is a possibility that the webinar will interfere with the progress of the event, or that it may hurt or slander the feelings of the victims, the organizer may refuse participants to stay at the event.

In order to allow for more free discussion among the speakers, please refrain from broadcasting or relaying what is said during the seminar on social media or any other means.

Recording, videotaping, and scrubbing are prohibited.


For inquiries, please contact info@hrn.or.jp