

*English below



時間|土曜日9:00~17:30、日曜日10:00~14:30 ※現地台湾での時間表記です。

場所|国立中央図書館3階会議ホール [國家圖書館 3F 國際會議廳]
   住所:20 Zhung-Shan S. Rd. Taipei 100201, Taiwan




登録はこちらから: https://forms.gle/fop8uu8XwMDzkksTA





1980年代以降、日本、韓国、台湾の多くの企業が多国籍企業としての地位を確立し、グローバル・サプライチェーンにおいて重要な役割を担ってきました。しかし、西洋諸国に比べ、アジアの多国籍企業(Asian Transnational Corporations, ATNC)に対して、グローバル・サプライチェーンにおける人権問題についての責任を追及することは、通常、より複雑で困難を伴います。これは、アジアの多国籍企業の多くがエンド市場で直接顧客と関わらないブランドであるためです。社会的責任監査のメカニズムが十分に発達している衣料品や電子機器などの産業では、東アジアの国に拠点を置くサプライヤーが人権侵害を犯した場合、被害者は通常、そのサプライヤーが自ら救済できる強力な多国籍企業であっても、問題解決のため、西側諸国のブランドによる介入に頼らなければなりません。一方で、一般市場において知名度の低い基本産業や上流の産業においては、アジアの多国籍企業の本国外にいる被害者は、通常、救済手段を求める方法がほとんど存在しないことが現状です。


アジアの多国籍企業の影響力の大きさとそれに伴った責任が果たされていない不整合な現実は、アジアの多国籍企業の本国が、自国の企業の海外での行動を規制する正当性と必要性を裏付けています。このため、本国で法的枠組みの整備が極めて重要であり、サプライチェーンにおける人権侵害や環境破壊に対する主要企業の責任を追及する手段と、被害者が企業の本国で救済を求める手段を確保することは不可欠です。本会議では、日本、韓国、台湾におけるビジネスと人権(Business and Human Rights, BHR)のプラクティスを検証し、さらに、アジアの多国籍企業のサプライチェーンにおける企業の責任追及と、被害者の救済へのアクセスを確保する、法的枠組みの設置に向けて、東アジア地域におけるBHRムーブメントの可能性を探求します。特に、この目的を達成するための手段として、人権・環境デューディリジェンスの義務化立法(mandatory Human Rights and Environment Due Diligence,mHREDD)について詳細に議論します。


時間  セッション
8:30 – 9:10
9:00  – 9:30 【開会】開会挨拶

Mab Huang, Professor of Liberal Arts Chair, Soochow University
Ping-Cheng Lo, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

9:30 – 10:10 【基調講演1】ビジネスと人権の国際動向

Jau-hwa Chen, Director of Human Rights Program, Soochow University

Pichamon Yeophantong, Head of Research and Associate Professor, Deakin University and member of UN Working Group on Business and Human rights

10:10 – 10:50 【基調講演2】EUのビジネスと人権に関する動向とアジアへの影響

Yi-Chun Chou, Professor of Department of Sociology, Soochow University

Antoine Madelin, Director of Advocacy, International Federation for Human Rights

10:50 – 11:00 休憩
11:00 – 12:30 【セッション1】アジアの多国籍企業による海外での人権侵害:基本産業

Pei-Chun Lin, Assistant Professor of Human Rights Program, Soochow University

Yu-Yin Chang, Executive Director, Environmental Jurists Association
Yujung Shin, Attorney at Law, KTNC Watch
Yuka Kiguchi, Executive Director, Mekong Watc

12:30 – 13:30 昼食
13:30 – 15:00 【セッション2】アジアの多国籍企業による海外での人権侵害-縫製産業

Roy Ngerng, East Asia Urgent Appeal Coordinator, Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia Coalition

Ray Cheng, Director, Youth Labor Union 95
Hyung-Phil Na, Director, Korean House for International Solidarity
Kazuko Ito, Lawyer and Vice-President of Board, Human Rights Now

15:30 – 16:00 休憩
16:00 – 17:30 【セッション3】アジアの多国籍企業による海外での人権侵害-エレクトロニクス産業

Rochelle Porras, Regional Coordinator (Asia), GoodElectronics

You-Lian Sun, Secretary General, Taiwan Labor Front
Sangsoo Lee, Executive Activist, Supporters for Health And Rights of People in Semiconductor industry
Tomoko Ako, Professor at University of Tokyo and Advisor at Human Rights Now

時間  セッション
10:00 – 11:30 【セッション4】東アジアの水産業における強制労働

Liang-Jung Lin , Associate Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi University

Yi-Hsiang Shih, Secretary General, Taiwan Association for Human Rights
Jong-Chul Kim, Advocates for Public Interest Law
Kana Kawasaki, Business and Human Rights Project Coordinator and Researcher, Human Rights Now
Cade Mosley, Advocacy Officer, Human Rights Now

11:30 – 12:30 昼食
12:30 – 14:30 【セッション5】東アジアにおけるビジネスと人権の進展─NAPからmHREDD立法へ?

Anju Kozono, Japan Researcher and Representative, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

Hsin-Hsuan Sun, Researcher and Campaigner, Environmental Rights Foundation
Youngah Park, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation
Ryutaro Ogawa, Attorney at Law / Secretary General, Human Rights Now
Muriel Treibich, Lobby and Advocacy Coordinator, Clean Clothes Campaign



National Human Rights Commission, Taiwan 

Taiwanese Transnational Corporations Watch

Environmental Rights Foundation 

Taiwan Association for Human Rights 

Environmental Jurists Association 

Youth Labor Union 95

Taiwan Labor Front 

Taiwan Laborers Association 

Korean Transnational Corporations Watch 

Human Rights Now 

Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia Coalition 

Human Rights Program, Soochow University


International Federation for Human Rights, FIDH

Taiwan Bar Association


Taiwan Foundation for Democracy



2023 / 11 / 25 – 26, Saturday and Sunday

Time|Saturday 9:00 – 17:30, Sunday 10:00 – 14:30 Note: Time notation is based on Taiwan.

Location|3F, Conference Hall, National Central Library (20 Zhung-Shan S. Rd. Taipei 100201, Taiwan)

Participation|Hybrid. Online participation for overseas participants only.

Language|Languages used at the conference are English and Mandarin. English/Mandarin interpretation will be provided on-site. For overseas participants joining via webinar, there will be English, Mandarin, and Japanese interpretations.

Register here: https://forms.gle/q2HDRfsWxnVkdvzh7


Thanks to globalisation and technology advancement, corporations have become gigantic and powerful. Possessing those invulnerable financial, organisational, technological, political and even ideological instruments, corporations are capable of shaping the world we live in, influencing people’s daily ordinaries. Sometimes, the influences are unfortunately damages brought by exploiting workers and polluting the environment. Especially, under the globalised operation of business, it has become a serious problem that transnational corporations from the global north commit human rights violations in the global south countries.

Since the 1980s, a lot of corporations from Japan, Korea and Taiwan have become transnational and gained significant positions in global supply chains. Compared with making TNCs from western countries to be accountable on human rights issues in global supply chains, it is usually more difficult to deal with Asian transnational corporations (ATNCs) because most of them are not brands who face consumers in end markets directly. In industries with well-developed social audit mechanisms such as garment and electronics, when an East Asian country based supplier commits a human rights violation, victims usually have to rely on the intervention by the brands in western countries to solve the problem even if the supplier is a powerful TNC capable of the remedy itself. As for in basic/upstream industries without well-known brands to the public, ATNCs victims abroad have nearly no means to seek justice commonly.

The incompatibility between ATNCs’ strong power and low accountability makes the legitimacy and necessity of corporations’ home countries to regulate ATNCs’ behaviour overseas. It is crucial to establish the legal framework in the home country that can hold the lead companies accountable for their human rights violation and environmental destruction in their supply chain. Furthermore, the victims in the supply chains of ATNC should be able to access the remedy in the ATNC’s home countries as well. In this conference, we are going to examine the practices of business and human rights (BHR) in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and further explore the possibility of initiating a regional BHR movement leading to the establishment of a legal framework that ensures corporate accountability as well as access to remedy for victims in the supply chains of ATNCs. Mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation will be discussed as a means to accomplish such ends.

AGENDANote: Time notation is based on Taiwan.

November 25


8:30-9:10 【Registration】
9:10 – 9:30 【Opening】Welcome Remarks

Mab Huang, Professor of Liberal Arts Chair, Soochow University

Ping-Cheng Lo, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

9:30 – 10:10 【Keynote Speech 1】Global trends on business and human rights

Moderator: Jau-hwa Chen, Director of Human Rights Program, Soochow University

Speaker: Pichamon Yeophantong, Head of Research and Associate Professor, Deakin University, and member of UN Working Group on Business and Human rights

10:10 – 10:50 【Keynote Speech 2】 Business and human rights trends in EU and impacts on Asia

Moderator: Yi-Chun Chou, Professor of Department of Sociology, Soochow University

Speaker: Antoine Madelin, Director of Advocacy, International Federation for Human Rights

10:50 – 11:10 Break
11:10 – 12:40 【Session 1】: Overseas Human Rights Violations by ATNCs in the Basic Industries


Pei-Chun Lin, Assistant Professor of Human Rights Program, Soochow University


Yu-Yin Chang, Executive Director, Environmental Jurists Association

Yujung Shin, Attorney at Law, KTNC Watch/Jihyang Law

Yuka Kiguchi, Mekong Watch

12:40 – 13:40 Lunch
13:40 – 15:10 【Session 2】: Overseas Human Rights Violations by ATNCs in the Garment Industry


Roy Ngerng, East Asia Urgent Appeal Coordinator, Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia Coalition


Ray Cheng, Director, Youth Labor Union 95

Hyung-Phil Na, Director, Korean House for International Solidarity

Kazuko Ito , Lawyer and Vice-President of Board, Human Rights Now

15:10 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 【Session 3】: Overseas Human Rights Violations by ATNCs in the Electronics Industry


Rochelle Porras, Regional Coordinator (Asia), GoodElectronics


You-Lian Sun, Secretary General, Taiwan Labor Front

Sangsoo Lee, Executive Activist, Supporters for Health And Rights of People in Semiconductor industry

Tomoko Ako, Professor at University of Tokyo and Advisor at Human Rights Now

November 26

Time Session
9:30-10:00 【Registration】
10:00 – 11:30 【Session 4】: Forced Labour in the East Asian Fishing Industry


Liang-Jung Lin , Associate Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi University


Yi-Hsiang Shih, Secretary General, Taiwan Association for Human Rights

Jong-Chul Kim, Advocates for Public Interest Law

Kana Kawasaki, Business and Human Rights Project Coordinator and Researcher, Human Rights Now

Cade Mosley, Advocacy Officer, Human Rights Now

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 14:30 【Session 5】: Business and Human Rights Progress in East Asia—From NAP to mHREDD Legislations?


Anju Kozono, Japan Researcher and Representative, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre


Hsin-Hsuan Sun, Researcher and Campaigner, Environmental Rights Foundation

Youngah Park, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation

Ryutaro Ogawa , Human Rights Now

Muriel Treibich, Lobby and Advocacy Coordinator, Clean Clothes Campaign


National Human Rights Commission, Taiwan 

Taiwanese Transnational Corporations Watch

Environmental Rights Foundation 

Taiwan Association for Human Rights 

Environmental Jurists Association 

Youth Labor Union 95

Taiwan Labor Front 

Taiwan Laborers Association 

Korean Transnational Corporations Watch 

Human Rights Now 

Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia Coalition 

Human Rights Program, Soochow University


International Federation for Human Rights, FIDH

Taiwan Bar Association


Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

