
国際人権NGOヒューマンライツ・ナウは、警察による黒人に対する暴力と、Black Lives Matterの抗議活動の参加者に対する過激な武力行使を終わらせるための法案を可決し、そしてトランプ前大統領によるアジア人とアジア系アメリカ人に対する破壊的なコメントを含む構造的差別のパターンを調査、防止、追求するよう米国政府に求める口頭声明を発表しました。また、 米国における制度的な人種差別についても対処するべきです。

なお、本声明は国連人権理事会に向けて作成・提出されましたが、時間制限のため再生されませんでした。 独自の口頭声明として理事会に提出されたバージョンを発表いたします。




Transcript of Oral Statement on Systemic Racism in the United States

Human Rights Now expresses concern over police violence and racial discrimination globally, exemplified by the 2020 protests for racial justice in the United States and the disproportionate police response.

The US has historically ingrained roots of systematic racial discrimination. Since George Floyd’s tragic killing last year, protests across America were met with excessive force, such as tear gas and rubber bullets, which were not even used against the largely white insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol on January 6. In the same year, US police killed over 229 Black people, similar to past years.

At the root of the problem is a legacy of white supremacy, hate, and discrimination creating systemic disadvantages for US minorities. Anti-minority rhetoric flourished under the Trump Administration, encouraging violence and hate which continue even now. The pandemic further enflamed discrimination, and hate incidents against Asians and Asian-Americans also increased in part due to the former president’s damaging comments against minorities, for which he should still be held accountable.

We call for the US government to pass legislation to end excessive police force, protect minorities by addressing the roots of racism and white supremacy, and to investigate, prevent, and hold accountable destructive patterns of official discrimination.

Thank you.