【3/3(月)対面イベント】「自決権と国際平和:ウクライナの事例から/The Right of Self-Determination and International Peace: The Case of Ukraine」

John Packer, an alumnus of the IHEID (volée 1990), is Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution and Director of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa. Before taking up his position at the University, he was the Constitutions and Process Design Expert for the UN’s Standby Team of Mediation Experts advising in numerous peace processes and political transitions around the world focusing on conflict prevention and resolution, constitutional and legal reform, and the protection of human rights. From 1995 to 2004, he was Senior Legal Adviser and then the first Director of the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities working across Central and Eastern Europe and throughout the former Soviet Union.
The current focus on the conflict in Ukraine is a self-determination dispute, for Ukraine itself and for parts of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Constitution of 1996, which Prof. Packer contributed to the drafting thereof, stipulates the requirements for a lawful referendum on any territorial change, and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine not only violates foundational tenets of international law including the UN Charter but also violates the Constitution of Ukraine in respect of the Russia-imposed, illegal plebiscites and subsequent annexations of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Currently, he is a member of an International Expert Group devising options for peace in Ukraine, and wishes to discuss his ideas about these issues with us. The event is open to all Swiss alumni and their friends. Please join us!!


開催概要/Outline of the event


会場:青山学院大学青山キャンパス 15号館 ガウチャー・メモリアル・ホール 3階 15305教室

Date and Time:March 3, 2025 (Mon.) 18:15-19:45

Location: Room 15305, 3rd Floor Goucher Memorial Hall (Bldg.15), Aoyama Gakuin University

アクセス/Access to the University: http://www.aoyama.ac.jp/en/other/access_aoyama.html 






オタワ大学 ジョン・パッカー教授

Professor John Packer, University of Ottawa




SHIN Hae Bong, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University

