Events May 21st (Thursday): Beyond Ruggie Principle – Business and Human Rights Seminar April 24, 2015 Japan, Business and Human Rights, Corporate social responsibility, Economic social and cultural rights
Events Lecture: Presentation from HRN False Accusation in China – Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Introduction of HU GE JI LE TU Case and Its Future Vision – April 21, 2015 China, Criminal justice / arbitrary detention and torture
Events Symposium:4/5 “Comfort women” issues and Japanese media and society -“Thinking about “comfort women” from the scope of the Asahi Shinbun issue” March 11, 2015
Events 3/28 Human Rights Now & DPI collaboration event “Let’s think about Rights and Dignity of people with Disabilities!” March 10, 2015
Events Secretary General Kazuko Ito speaks at UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction February 26, 2015
Events Emergency Session on aftermath of Kenji Goto’s kidnapping in Syria: What can we contribute for peace in Middle East February 6, 2015 Iraq, Syria, Accountability, Accountability for gross human rights violations, Armed conflict, Extrajudicial killings, Extrajudicial killings / war crime and crimes, Extrajudicial killings / war crime and crimes against humanity, Syria