Symposium:4/4 —affiliation with the ICC will save Palestine? —

Last year, 2,000 people were killed by Israeli bombing raids.
In January of 2015, Palestine has completed processes to entry into the ICC. Palestine’s affiliation will be accomplished in this coming April if everything goes well.

The International Criminal Court (ICC), that oversees cases such as Genocide, crime against humanity and war crimes, has brought justice to massacre in Africa as well as other regions. In this symposium, HRN would like to discuss with panels about how Palestine’s situation has changed, what international community should do to closely observe the situation, and what challenges ICC face today.

DATE: 4 April 2015 (Saturday) from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
VENUE: Conference room N.19, 10 floor of Souken-Billing, Aoyama
Gakuin University, 4-4-25, Shibuya District, Tokyo

Participation Fees: 500 yen (covers documentation fees)

Registration: please send your name and contact information with subject line “4/4 Symposiums attendance” to or FAX03-6803-2117.

Mr. Osamu Niikura
Lawyer and Professor at Graduate School of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
Representative of Japan Japanese Network for the ICC
Author of「憲法9条を世界に生かす」from日本科学者会議編『憲法と現実政治』(本の泉社),  「導入対話による刑法講義〈総論〉(第3版)」(共著)2006年、不磨書房

Ms. Kazuko Itou
Lawyer and Secretary General of Human Rights Now (NGO)
Author of 「人権は国境を越えて」岩波書店、「イラク人質事件と自己責任論」大月書店etc. Website:

Mr. Rei Shiba
Journalist and Secretary General of “Network for verification of Iraq War”(「イラク戦争の検証を求めるネットワーク」). Author:『たたかう!ジャーナリスト宣言–ボクの観た本当の戦争』社会批評社、
Co-author of 『イラク戦争を検証するための20の論点』合同出版、『ガザ通信』青土社、『「イラク戦争」検証と展望』岩波書店etc.

Mr. Takeshi Akune (coordinator)
Secretary General of World Federation Movement Association

World Federation Movement Association
Human Rights Now (HRN)
Graduate school of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
Contact: General Secretary of World Federation Movement Association
(contact person: Takeshi Akune)
〒110-0015 3rd floor Marukou Building, 1-20-6, Higashi-Ueno, Taitou District, Tokyo
Email: Fax 03-6803-2117/ 03-6803-2114

We look forward to your participation.