Secretary General Kazuko Ito speaks at UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction


The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will be held from 14 to 18 March 2015 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Several thousand participants are expected, including at related events linked to the World Conference under the umbrella of building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters.

The United Nations General Assembly Resolution for 2013 on International Strategy for Disaster Reduction states that the World Conference will result in a concise, focused, forward-looking, and action-oriented outcome document. The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction welcomes the participation and contributions of all relevant stakeholders, including parliaments, civil society, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, non-governmental organizations, national platforms for disaster risk reduction, focal points for the Hyogo Framework for Action, local government representatives, scientific institutions and the private sector, as well as organizations of the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations.

After Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima, further nuclear disasters unfortunately may again become a reality. At international and national levels there exist guidelines for preparedness and response in an emergency situation. However most of the documents on nuclear emergency do not deal with the human rights aspects involved in these situations.

This side event will consider these and other issues and will contribute to a better understanding of human rights implication in management of nuclear disasters. Human Rights Now’s secretary general Ms. Kazuko Ito will speak at the event.

Health and Human Rights: Questions about Nuclear Accidents
DATE: Monday, 16 March 2015
TIME: 13:00-16:00
VENUE: Tohoku University


  • “Introduction”

Pr. Michel PRIEUR, President of the International Centre of Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), (France)

  • “Humans and the health of Rights”

Cécile Asanuma-Brice, CNRS, (Japan)

  • “Fukushima and human rights issues”

Kazuko Ito, Attorney at law, Secretary General of the NGO Human rights Now, (Japan)

  • “Nuclear disaster and global ethic”

Pr. Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japonese Ambassador to Switzerland, (Japan)

  • “Nuclear disasters faced to time. The real and the unlikely”

Alfredo PENA-VEGA, Research-professor at the Center Edgar Morin IIAC EHESS/CNRS (EMR8178), Scientific Director of the International Research Institute, Civilization policy (iirpc), (France)

  • “Application of Principle 10 to nuclear issues”

Pr. Noriko Okubo, Professor at the University of Osaka, (Japan)

  • “French regulation on nuclear safety: progress made and future for an effective protection of human rights: the French example”

Pr. Hubert DELZANGLES, Professor at the University of Limoges and of Bordeaux (France)

  • “Health impact of radiological incidents: the need of accurate ex-ante information”

Francesc Pla, Deputy Executive Secretary, European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement EUR-OPA, Council of Europe, (France)

  • “To live in radioactive area for the children and the adolescent: their behavior, their desing”

Dr. Michel GRAPPE, Child psychiatrist, Specialist in disaster, Public Institution of Health Ville-Evrard, (France)

  • “How to protect human rights of children from low level internal radiation”

Pr. Eisuke Matsui, Chief of Gifu Research Institute for Environmental Medicine and Pr. Kazuko MATSUI, Researcher of Gifu Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (Japan)

  • “From Chernobyl to Fukushima: arguments of a doctor against civil use of nuclear power plant”

Dr. Andreas Nidecker, Medical doctor, International physicians for the prevention of nuclear war (IPPNW), (Switzerland)