Events The Panel Session “Beyond the #MeToo Movement: Protecting Silence Breakers & Changing Social Norms” will be held on 16 March 2018, 4:30 pm, Vartan Hall, 630 2nd Ave., New York City February 14, 2018
Events 1/30 Parliament Event: “Eradicating the Roots of Forced Pornography” December 7, 2017 Japan, Accountability for gross human rights violations, diet, human trafficking, pornography, prevention, protection, sexual violence, Video, Violence against Women
Events 12/4 Emergency Parliament Event: “The Rohingya Human Rights Crisis and Japanese Diplomacy” December 7, 2017 Myanmar, abstain, Burma, diet, diplomacy, parliament, refugee, Rohingya
Events Human Rights Now Academy: “Changing the world through human rights: Seminar on International human rights and humanitarian law” November 14, 2017 academy, advocacy, business, education, event, humanitarian, law, Rohingya, seminar, workshop
Events Reports Event report: Ethical fashion and sustainable supply chains September 28, 2017 Business and Human Rights
Events [Event] Charity Walk & Run for Universal Children’s Day September 5, 2017 Charity Walk & Run, Child rights