Statements Protest against the SPDC’s measures, including sentencing of 65 years in prison for Myanmar democratic leaders and monks November 21, 2008 Myanmar, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation
Statements Calling on G8 Leaders to Address Ongoing Human Rights Situations July 6, 2008 Iraq, Myanmar, Northeast Asia, Accountability, Armed conflict, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP
Statements Statement on the G8 Summit in Toyako Lake June 19, 2008 Myanmar, Accountability, Armed conflict, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP
Statements Statement concerning the forcible referendum by the SPDC and Aung San Suu Kyi’s continued house arrest June 5, 2008 Myanmar, Defenders Democratic Space, Human Rights Defenders / independence of judiciary, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation
Reports Report: Human rights in Myanmar and the path to democracy fact-finding mission April 11, 2008 Myanmar, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation
Statements Statement to call for democratization in Myanmar April 6, 2008 Myanmar, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP
Statements Fact-finding mission finished an investigation around the border between Myanmar and Thailand – the things that Japanese society should tackle March 3, 2008 Myanmar, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP
Statements Human Rights Situations in Myanmar: Open Letter to the President of Human Rights Counsel September 28, 2007 Bangladesh, Myanmar, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly, Human Rights Defenders / independence of judiciary, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP, United Nations