Statements Civil society makes statement on the right to health of the people affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster December 15, 2012 Japan, Economic social and cultural rights, Fukushima, Publications, Refugee/IDP
Statements HRN welcomes the admission of Palestine as a non-member observer “State” by the UN General Assembly, and objects to Israel’s retaliatory measures and its opposition to Palestine’s accession to the ICC. December 11, 2012 Palestine (OPT), Accountability for gross human rights violations, International/Transitional Justice
Statements Fukushima: Requests for a drastic policy change in compliance with the recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur Mr. Anand Grover December 11, 2012 Japan, Economic social and cultural rights, Fukushima
Statements UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health holds press conference November 27, 2012 Economic social and cultural rights Japan, Fukushima
Statements The UN Human Rights Council held a Universal Periodic Review: Member state governments severely criticized the Human Rights Situation in Japan November 27, 2012 Japan, Civil and Political Rights, Economic social and cultural rights, Fukushima, United Nations
Statements Overseas aid and investment to Burma (Myanmar) without principles inhibits the democratization and conflict resolution, and thus accelerates the human rights violations of minorities. November 22, 2012 Myanmar, Development and human rights, Economic social and cultural rights
Statements Comment: Kazuko Ito, Secretary General of Human Rights Now comments on Human Rights Council election November 13, 2012 Strengthen human rights mechanism, United Nations
Statements UNHRC membership elections: Joint letter to candidates November 12, 2012 Strengthen human rights mechanism, United Nations
Statements HRN expresses concern over recent situation of the repatriation of Burmese refugees November 5, 2012 Myanmar, Thailand, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, Refugee/IDP, Thailand
Statements Joint open letter concerning Cambodia for Government Donor Coordination Committee September 25, 2012 Cambodia, Development and human rights, Economic social and cultural rights