Statements Japanese civil society and that from 7 other countries request the reports of the United Nations Scientific Committee on Fukushima to be revised October 29, 2014 Japan, Economic social and cultural rights, Fukushima, United Nations
Statements Hong Kong: HRN protests against the crackdown against freedom of assembly and unlawful arrest October 28, 2014 China, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly
Statements HRN has read oral statements for 27th UN Human Rights Council October 21, 2014 United Nations
Statements Hong Kong: HRN requests peaceful settlement with respects of freedom of assembly and speech for the current situation October 10, 2014 China, Defenders Democratic Space, Freedom of assembly
Statements Joint Statement: Toward the UN Climate Summit – for a world without a climate change crisis and nuclear power September 22, 2014 Japan, Economic social and cultural rights, United Nations
Statements Bangladesh: HRN urges improvement of the on-going serious human rights violations September 8, 2014 Bangladesh, Civil and Political Rights, Criminal justice / arbitrary detention and torture, Defenders Democratic Space, Development and human rights, Economic social and cultural rights, Extrajudicial killings, Human Rights Defenders / independence of judiciary
Statements Human Rights Now has submitted written statements to 27th session of Human Rights Council August 25, 2014 Cambodia, Japan, Palestine (OPT), Accountability for gross human rights violations, Economic social and cultural rights, Extrajudicial killings / war crime and crimes against humanity, Fukushima, Human Rights Violation under armed conflicts/military operation, United Nations, Violence against Women
Statements Bangladesh: Exploitive labor still continues with low-price competition even after Rana Plaza collapse August 11, 2014 Bangladesh, Corporate social responsibility
Statements Human Rights Now submitted information report for the review of Iraq – CERD August 11, 2014 Iraq, Accountability, Armed conflict, Extrajudicial killings, United Nations