Commentary on Cambodia Anti-Trafficking Law

Commentary on Cambodian Anti Trafficking Law

Human Rights Now (HRN) is looking forward to correct application of the forthcoming Cambodian Anti-Trafficking Law; therefore, in anticipation of this, we have drafted and published a commentary on the Cambodia Anti-Trafficking Law, and submitted copies of it to related parties in Cambodia.

In Cambodia, the trafficking of women and children has been an issue of serious concern.

HRN conducted local investigations and interviewed local NGOs. We found that even though the decision to enact the Anti-Trafficking Law was made last February, we are still waiting to see how this particular law can be practiced in reality, to help rescue victims and prevent them from coming to any further harm.

Therefore, through a long discussion, HRN drew up a commentary of proposals which are necessary to ensure the appropriate implementation of this particular law. We announced and delivered this commentary to related local parties who are working with these kinds of issues. 

In order to help eradicate trafficking problems, HRN will keep devoting our efforts to help combat this problem. The full commentary is now available to read online here.

Commentary on Cambodia Anti-Trafficking Law.pdf