We express our solidarity
and support for human rights defenders in Cambodia on this day, December 10,
Human Rights Day. 

Human Rights Day is a
reminder of the enduring human rights struggles occurring throughout the world;
an acknowledgment of the pain and the courage of the numerous individuals and
communities whose rights have been violated; and a tribute to the many persons
who bear witness to such abuses and work to eradicate them. It is a day not
only to reflect on the past and the present, but also to look forward ? a call
to action to continue to strive for a just and peaceful world in which all
human beings are truly born free and equal in dignity and rights.


We understand that this year’s Human Rights Day is being
celebrated in Cambodia, by a wide range of human rights defenders including
grassroots community groups, under the theme “We Are All Human Rights
Defenders”. It is important to recognize that defending human rights is
not the task of any one select group of people; it is the role and
responsibility of all of people.


Regrettably, we have witnessed that the country’s most
prominent human rights activists, Yeng Virak, Kem Sokha and Pa Nguon Teang were
arrested and charged with defamation of Prime Minister after last Human Rights
Day. The arrests related with the displaying of a banner at the December 10
celebration which contained a critical comments for the governmental conduct.
Subsequently, the International community’s criticism toward these arrests led
the release of the activists. However, even after the incidents, long list of
human rights defenders, such as human rights NGO worker, union activists and
community activists have been either detained by authority or threatened and
assaulted in the year 2006. Such incidents seriously undermine progress of
human rights in Cambodia.


As a Japan-based non-governmental organization founded by a
collective of lawyers, academics and activists to work for the improvement of
human rights standards world-wide, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region,
Human Rights Now urges Cambodian government to take all necessary measure to
prevent the violence, arbitrary detention and harassments toward the human
rights defenders, in particular, by investigating and prosecuting all perpetrators
of alleged attacks. We also urge the government to end any suppression on
Cambodian people’s freedom of expression.


Finally, Human Rights Now calls upon international donor
community to continue its commitment on human rights in Cambodia by monitoring
and whistling of the human rights situation.


Human Rights Now calls for
an End to Impunity for Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines Human Rights
Now expresses its serious concern for the spate of extrajudicial killings that
continues unabated in The Philippines. According to human rights organizations
in the Philippines, there have been 783 victims of extrajudicial killings since
the start of President Arroyo’s term of office in 2001. The occurrences of 184
forced disappearances, as well as many other cases of torture, physical
assault, harassment and intimidation are also of grave concern.


As a Japan-based
non-governmental organization founded by a collective of lawyers, academics and
activists to work for the improvement of human rights situations world-wide,
particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, Human Rights Now calls on the Arroyo
government to muster the necessary political will and work expeditiously to
bringing an end to the killings. The fact that citizens ? including lawyers,
religious leaders, journalists and human rights defenders ? who exercise their
democratic right of political expression and association, are being targeted
and killed, cannot be tolerated.


Reputable organizations
such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Dutch Lawyers for
Lawyers Foundation, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Joint
Foreign Chambers of Commerce in the Philippines have released documents and
statements condemning the extrajudicial killings. Based on these national and
international reports, we are greatly alarmed by the continued violence and
appalled that the Arroyo government has allowed them to continue for so long.
There is no place for such human rights violations, particularly in a country
which prides itself on having established a modern democracy.


We seize the occasion of
Human Rights Day ? 10 December 2006 ? to raise our voices and let the people of
the Philippines know that such atrocities are not being ignored by the
international community.


Human Rights Now expresses
its grave concern that a culture of impunity is developing around these
extrajudicial killings, as the government fails to properly investigate
suspected perpetrators. To date, the number of convictions remains at zero. The
lack of adequate protection for witnesses and victims’ families must also be
rapidly addressed so that testimonies can be duly made. This is a basic
procedural safeguard that must be met in order for an effective process of
justice to take root. The government must also work to restore public trust in
the police to do their job with integrity.


While the establishment of
serious government-initiated investigation is welcomed in theory, we emphasize
the fundamental importance of a fully independent and impartial investigation
carried out by credible and experienced individuals. To this end, we remain
cautious about the capacity of the Melo Commission to carry out such a


We call for the charges of “rebellion”
made against dozens of individuals, including the former President of the
University of the Philippines, Professor Francisco Nemenzo, to be reassessed in
light of their actual legal basis.


Finally, we note that it is
regrettable that the national peace process has broken down. We urge the Arroyo
government to commit itself to the prevention and prosecution of these
extrajudicial killings. In doing this, it would regain the respect of the
international community and also recreate an environment that is conducive to
developing the peace and ushering in greater prosperity for the country.