Comments on the Draft Internal Rules of the ECCC

Comments on Draft Internal Rules of the ECCC

As a transitional justice mechanism of Cambodia, the Extraordinary Chamber for the Courts in Cambodia (ECCC) faces both the historical opportunity and challenge of achieving justice and national reconciliation, by overcoming impunity of gross human rights violations. In this regard, Human Rights Now (HRN) reiterates the importance of victims’ roles and their rights throughout the entire process of conducting the ECCC.

On November 3rd, 2006, the Rules Committee released the Draft Internal Rules. A meeting of international and Cambodian judges will convene in late November in Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia to finalize the draft.

HRN has already released an opinion paper “Justice for Victims – Fundamental Issues for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia” September 13th, 2006 (revised on October 13th, 2006), it again submits comments on the draft internal rules of ECCC, to help address issues surrounding victims’ participation and reparations in the ECCC proceedings. 

Comments on Draft Internal Rules of ECCC PDF