As an international human rights NGO with special consultative status at the UN, HRN has made various advocacy efforts toward the decision-making processes of UN human rights bodies and other international mechanisms to protect and promote human rights around the world.
HRN has urged UN bodies, such as the UN Human Rights Council and General Assembly, to take appropriate measures to stop ongoing serious human rights violations and to bring justice to those responsible for such serious violations.
As an Asian-based international human rights NGO, HRN is able to add unique and independent value to the decision making processes of UN human rights mechanisms, where human rights remain politicized and voices on the ground are not sufficiently heard. HRN tries to change the debate over human rights in the world, where double standards remain embedded, and the voices of the most vulnerable people are ignored, while strong states and actors enjoy immunity over serious human rights violations. HRN believes that it is important to address the root causes of current international disputes and grave human rights violations, such as structural injustices and discrimination within the current international order.